Lean Six Sigma continues to be a success in delivering significant business improvements in both manufacturing and service industries and has become the process improvement methodology of choice for organisations that are serious about achieving world class performance in quality and customer satisfaction.
However, many of these same organisations have made costly mistakes during the initial implementation of their Lean Six Sigma Programme. This two day programme will provide senior management with the knowledge and know how to implement a Lean Six Sigma programme roll-out successfully and avoid costly implementation errors. It will also provide managers with the skills necessary to Identify, Prioritise and Mentor Lean Six Sigma projects to success.
CollapseIf there is a culture of blame or finger pointing in any organisation then small wonder there may be little or no appetite for change or continuous improvement...
This quote is from Arthur Jones, an Australian born sociologist, author and former editor of Fortune Magazine and it reminds me of the old saying that ‘we get...