Note: This version of the three day course includes Regression Analysis and Stability Testing. There are two alternative versions; Statistics with Minitab (Incl. Capability Analysis), which includes Capability Analysis, Control Charts and Hypothesis Testing, and Statistics with Minitab (Incl. Gauge R&R and Sampling), which includes Gauge R&R and Acceptance Sampling. These alternative brochures are available on request. The tutors are available to discuss the differences between these alternatives, and also to discuss special programmes to meet specific customer requirements.
IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO UTILISE SAMPLE DATA WITHOUT STATISTICS. Much time and effort is devoted to the collection of data in industry, for example; quality control measurements, data collected for validation of manufacturing processes, incoming and outgoing inspection data, data produced in the development of products in R&D, etc. It is not possible to get value from this data without using statistics. Many people who do actually use statistical tools such as Statistical Process Control, Design of Experiments, sampling standards, gauge R&R, and other applications don’t understand the underlying statistics. This course is intended to provide that essential understanding so that people will choose the appropriate statistical tools for data analysis and understand the outcome of the analysis.
There are several brands of reasonably priced computer statistical software packages available to assist in the application of statistics, and most people with a reasonable background in maths (example, pass leaving certificate level) can be readily trained to use this software so as to utilise data for continual process improvement, and better decision making.
Minitab software will be used throughout the training course. Delegates will be trained to use both the main menus and the Assistant in Minitab to undertake the analysis that will be met in the Programme set out below. Where the course is presented in-company the programme can be modified to include specific statistical applications.