While the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and the Safety, Health and Welfare (General Applications) Regulations 2007 (as amended) impose a duty of care on employers to ensure the safety of all their employees, laboratories are often overlooked when formal hazard identification and risk assessments are carried out.
Laboratories are seen to have significant hazards but it is assumed that the laboratory staff know about them and how to control the associated risks. It is generally left to the laboratory staff itself to control their own risks.
But have the staff really got the expertise and the knowledge to identify the hazards and do they know the best way to control the risks? Or, if they do, has the everyday pressure to get the job done put attention on safety into the background?
This course will provide a background to the importance of laboratory safety and give reasons why it should always be at the forefront of both staff and management’s mind even when highly trained and experienced staff is in control.
The various potential hazards will be identified and the risks associated with them assessed. Guidelines and suggestions on the control of hazards will be provided.
Information on the requirements of the 2005 Act will be provided.
Collapse(includes course documentation)