It is generally accepted that ISO9001 has passed its ’sell by’ date for the food industry. A number of companies who have been certified to ISO9001 for the past number of years, are converting their certification to FSSC as Food Safety System Certification, (FSSC = ISO22000:2005 and ISO22002:2009), is now seen as more appropriate and more desirable by their customers.
Both ISO9001 and ISO22000 standards have a lot in common however clause 7 of ISO22000, Planning and realisation of safe products, which demands the seven CODEX principles to be addressed, is where FBOs, (Food Business Operators), need to focus their resource to achieve FSSC certification.
The fifteen pre-requisites as defined in ISO22002 are now viewed as the essential food safety foundation which will control the majority of hazards that exist in any food business.
As per FSSC, all control measures which exist in the food business are either:
It is the combination of these three control measures which essentially makes up a company’s FSMS, (Food Safety Management System.) This training course is designed to take delegates through the change of focus from 9000 to 22000 so that their Food Safety Management System / HACCP System will become the cornerstone of their corporate compliance strategy.
CollapseIt is generally accepted that ISO9001 has passed its ‘sell by’ date for the food industry. A number of companies who have been certified to ISO9001 ...